Browsing by Author Kumar, Prashant

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Showing results 4 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Fabrication of Single Si Nanowire Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Device for PhotodetectionDas, Kaustuv; Samanta, Sudeshna; Kumar, Prashant; Narayan, K. S.; Raychaudhuri, Arup Kumar
2016Optical Unzipping of Carbon Nanotubes in Liquid MediaKumar, Prashant; Yamijala, Sharma S. R. K. C.; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2010-09-24Photoluminescence, white light emitting properties and related aspects of ZnO nanoparticles admixed with graphene and GaNKumar, Prashant; Panchakarla, L S; Bhat, S Venkataprasad; Maitra, Urmimala; Subrahmanyam, K S; Rao, C N R
2016Quantum Confinement Effects in Organic Lead Tribromide Perovskite NanoparticlesKumar, Prashant; Muthu, Chinnadurai; Nair, Vijayakumar C.; Narayan, K. S.
2011-08-05Selectivity in the photocatalytic properties of the composites of TiO(2) nanoparticles with B- and N-doped graphenesGopalakrishnan, K; Joshi, Hrushikesh M; Kumar, Prashant; Panchakarla, L S; Rao, C N R
2014Single CuTCNQ charge transfer complex nanowire as ultra high responsivity photo-detectorBasori, Rabaya; Das, K.; Kumar, Prashant; Narayan, K. S.; Raychaudhuri, A. K.
2017Solution-processed organic/hybrid semiconductors and use of low melting alloys as electrodesNarayan, K.S.; Kumar, Prashant
2012Studies on hybrid organic-inorganic photodiodesNarayan, K.S.; Kumar, Prashant
2014Supramolecular P4VP-pentadecylphenol naphthatenebisimide comb-polymer: mesoscopic organization and charge transport propertiesNarayan, Rekha; Kumar, Prashant; Narayan, K. S.; Ashe, S. K.