Browsing by Author Narayan, K.S.

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Showing results 9 to 28 of 31 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Insights into optoelectronic polymer neuronal interfaceNarayan, K.S.; Garg, Vikas
2013Light harvesting strategies for large area, stable and efficient organic solar cellsNarayan, K.S.; Das, Anshuman Jyothi
2017Noise spectroscopy of hybrid perovskite solar cellsNarayan, K.S.; Singh, Apoorva
2015Noise spectroscopy of polymer field effect transistorsNarayan, K.S.; Harsh, Rishav
2003Novel organic polymer based photodetector structuresNarayan, K.S.; Singh, Th. Birendra
2017Optoelectronic characterization of organic photodiodes, light sources and photoluminescent emittersNarayan, K.S.; Ghorai, Anaranya
2014Optoelectronic polymer devices for biomimicking visual response and developing neuronal interfaces for artificial retina applicationsNarayan, K.S.; Gautam, Vini
2004Photoelectric properties of hybrid conjugated polymer based bilayer structures (2004)Narayan, K.S.; Manoj, A.G.
2010Polymer field effect transistor as a probe to study injection barriers and donor-acceptor interfaceNarayan, K.S.; N V, Manohar Rao
2006Polymer field-effect transistors : electrical transport properties and studies of photoinduced charge generation and relaxation processesNarayan, K.S.; Dutta, Soumya
2017Solution-processed organic/hybrid semiconductors and use of low melting alloys as electrodesNarayan, K.S.; Kumar, Prashant
2012Stem cell differentiation on stretchable conducting substratesNarayan, K.S.; Srivastava, Nishit
2012Studies of active layer morphology in bulk-heterojunction polymer based solar cells using optical and force microscopy methodsNarayan, K.S.; Mukhopadhyay, Sabyasachi
2014Studies of electric field assisted solvent drying for efficient bulk heterojunction solar cellsNarayan, K.S.; Raaghesh, A.V.
2007Studies of length scales in semiconducting polymers using scanning photocurrent contrast microscopyNarayan, K.S.; Kabra, Dinesh
2010Studies of photoelectric signals & molecular features of bacteriorhodopsin and electric-field induced patterns on polymer surfacesNarayan, K.S.; N, Arun
2009Studies of polymer based solar cells and performance limiting factorsNarayan, K.S.; Gupta, Dhritiman
2012Studies on hybrid organic-inorganic photodiodesNarayan, K.S.; Kumar, Prashant
2010Studies on semiconducting polymer-electrolyte and conducting polymer-retinal tissue interfacesNarayan, K.S.; Gautam, Vini
2021-07Studies on spatial dependence of photocarrier transport in hybrid perovskite based devices and applicationsNarayan, K.S.; N., Ganesh