Browsing by Author Pati, Swapan K.

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Showing results 2 to 21 of 30 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Computation of non-linear magnetoelectric coefficients for low dimensional systems and development of a few quantum many body methodsPati, Swapan K.; Lahiri, Abhiroop
2015Computational investigations of a few low-dimensional systems: effects of size, defects and molecular adsorptionPati, Swapan K.; Yamijala, Sharma S.R.K.C.
2022-07Computational perspectives towards designing intercalation cathode frameworks for sodium Ion BatteriesPati, Swapan K.; Mazumder, Madhulika
2021Computational studies of a few heterogeneous and homogeneous electrocatalytic conversion processes for renewable energyPati, Swapan K.; Bothra, Neha
2011Computational studies on electronic structure and optical properties of a few low-dimensional systemsPati, Swapan K.; Sharma Y, S R K Chaitanya
2018-09-19Computational studies on the mechanisms of hydrogen activation and catalytic hydrogenation by cooperative lewis pairsPati, Swapan K.; Das, Shubhajit
2023-04Computational studies on the photo- electrocatalytic activity and selectivity in renewable energy conversion processesPati, Swapan K.; Dutta, Supriti
2020Computational study of magnetic, magnetoelectric and electronic properties of some quantum many-body systemsPati, Swapan K.; Lahiri, Abhiroop
2021Computational study on the role of charge and phonon transport in electronic and thermoelectric applications in a few chalcogenidesPati, Swapan K.; Biswas, Raju Kumar
2016Electronic and transport characteristics of low-dimensional materials: effect of structural imperfection, metal inclusion and spin-crossoverPati, Swapan K.; Ghosh, Dibyajyoti
2013Electronic structure and transport behaviours in some low-dimensional systems : Quantum Many-body and ab-initio studiesPati, Swapan K.; Parida, Prakash
2013Electronic, optical and charge transfer properties of a few quantum dots and MoS2 layer : a density functional theory studyPati, Swapan K.; Bandyopadhyay, Arkamita
2014-09-22; 2013Exploring electronic structure of a few biomolecules and graphitic materialsPati, Swapan K.; Manna, Arun Kumar
2014-09-22; 2012First-principles study of a few pnictide superconductors and surface states of a topological insulatorPati, Swapan K.; Mondal, Wasim Raja
2010Interaction driven electronic properties of some low-dimensional systemsPati, Swapan K.; Dutta, Sudipta
2008Numerical studies of low energy behaviour of a few spin ladders and magnetic field effects in heavy fermionsPati, Swapan K.; Vidhyadhiraja, N.S.; Parihari, Debabrata
2018-04-02Optoelectronic and electrochemical phenomena in materials at different dimensions:a computational studyPati, Swapan K.; Mazumder, Madhulika
2016Phase transitions in a few low dimensional optical lattices: A quantum many body studyPati, Swapan K.; Pandey, Bradraj
2004Quantum chemical investigation of linear and nonlinear optical polarizabilities in organic molecular aggregates and inorganic clustersPati, Swapan K.; Datta, Ayan
2017-05-07Role of structural modifications in low-dimensional systems for opto-electronics and molecular recognitions: a computational studyPati, Swapan K.; Bandyopadhyay, Arkamita