Browsing by Author Pati, Swapan Kumar

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Showing results 38 to 47 of 47 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Spin-crossover molecule based thermoelectric junctionGhosh, Dibyajyoti; Parida, Prakash; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2016Spin-State Switching of Manganese Porphyrin by Conformational ModificationGhosh, Dibyajyoti; Parida, Prakash; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2015Stable line defects in siliceneGhosh, Dibyajyoti; Parida, Prakash; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2014Structural and Magnetic Properties of a Variety of Transition Metal Incorporated DNA Double HelicesSamanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2015Surface-Mediated Extraction and Photoresponse Modulation of Bisphenol A Derivatives: A Computational StudyBanerjee, Swastika; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2015Theoretical understanding of two-photon-induced fluorescence of isomorphic nucleoside analogsSamanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2014A Thiazole Coumarin (TC) Turn-On Fluorescence Probe for AT-Base Pair Detection and Multipurpose Applications in Different Biological SystemsNarayanaswamy, Nagarjun; Kumar, Manoj; Das, Sadhan; Sharma, Rahul; Samanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar; Dhar, Suman K.; Kundu, Tapas Kumar; Govindaraju, T.
2014Transition Metal Embedded Two-Dimensional C3N4-Graphene Nanocomposite: A Multifunctional MaterialGhosh, Dibyajyoti; Periyasamy, Ganga; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2015Tuning the opto-electronic properties of MoS2 layer using charge transfer interactions: effect of different donor moleculesBandyopadhyay, Arkamita; Pati, Swapan Kumar
2015Watson-Crick base pairing, electronic and photophysical properties of triazole modified adenine analogues: a computational studyDas, Shubhajit; Samanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar