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Showing results 776 to 795 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Experimental studies in buoyancy-driven exchange flows and turbulent jetAlam, Meheboob; Bharadwaj, Sunil V.
2019Experimental studies on taylor-couette flow of neutrally-buoyant suspensionsAlam, Meheboob; Ramesh, Prashanth
2009An experimental study of mantle convectionSreenivas, K.R.; Prakash, Vivek N.
2015-10-19Experimental study of vertically vibrated granular matter: patterns and segregationAlam, Meheboob; Ansari, Mohammed Istafaul Haque
2005Experiments and numerical simulations of flapping wing flightSreenivas, K.R.; Shreyas, J.V.
2016-07-05Experiments on flapping flight under hovering conditionSreenivas, K.R.; Pande, Nakul
2012Experiments on vibrated granular materials : waves, convection and segregationAlam, Meheboob; Ansari, Mohammed Istafaul Haque
2017Exploiting shape sensitive interactions in colloidal suspensions - from directed self-assembly to the structural glass transitionGanapathy, Rajesh; Kumar, Chandan
2000-03-29Exploration of a Simple Universal Route to the Myriad of Open-Framework Metal PhosphatesRao, C N R; Natarajan, Srinivasan; Neeraj, S
2021-09Exploration of high voltage NASICON cathodes for sodium-ion batteriesSenguttuvan, Premkumar; Ghosh, Subham
2014-09-22; 2013Exploring electronic structure of a few biomolecules and graphitic materialsPati, Swapan K.; Manna, Arun Kumar
2014Exploring the connections between yielding and microscopic irreversibility in athermal amorphous raftsGanapathy, Rajesh; Kandula, Neelima
2023-01Exploring the therapeutic potential of a specific small molecule activator of lysine acetyltransferases P300/CBP for neurological disordersKundu, Tapas K.; Chelliah, James P. C.; Singh, Akash Kumar
2016Exquisite Modulation of the Active Site of Methanocaldococcus jannaschii Adenylosuccinate Synthetase in Forward Reaction ComplexesKarnawat, Vishakha; Mehrotra, Sonali; Balaram, Hemalatha; Puranik, Mrinalini
2016Extensive Parallelism between Crystal Parameters and Magnetic Phase Transitions of Unusually Ferromagnetic Praseodymium Manganite NanoparticlesSadhu, Anustup; Salunke, Hemant G.; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Bhattacharyya, Sayan
2015Extent of mismatch between the period of circadian clocks and light/dark cycles determines time-to-emergence in fruit fliesYadav, Pankaj; Choudhury, Deepak; Sadanandappa, Madhumala K.; Sharma, Vijay Kumar
2015External electric field reverses helical handedness of a supramolecular columnar stackBejagam, Karteek K.; Kulkarni, Chidambar; George, Subi J.; Balasubramanian, Sundaram
2014Extraordinary attributes of 2-dimensional MoS2 nanosheetsRao, C. N. R.; Maitra, Urmimala; Waghmare, Umesh V.
2008-08-28Extraordinary Sensitivity of the Electronic Structure and Properties of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to Molecular Charge-TransferVoggu, Rakesh; Rout, Chandra Sekhar; Franklin, Aaron D; Fisher, Timothy S; Rao, C N R
2009-08-11Extraordinary synergy in the mechanical properties of polymer matrix composites reinforced with 2 nanocarbonsPrasad, K Eswar; Das, Barun; Maitra, Urmimala; Ramamurty, Upadrasta; Rao, C N R