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Showing results 816 to 835 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-08-22Ferromagnetism Exhibited by Nanoparticles of Noble MetalsMaitra, Urmimala; Das, Barun; Kumar, Nitesh; Sundaresan, Athinarayanan; Rao, C N R
2006-08-25Ferromagnetism in Mn-doped GaN nanocrystals prepared solvothermally at low temperaturesBiswas, Kanishka; Sardar, Kripasindhu; Rao, C N R
2003Ferromagnetism, metallicity, charge ordering and related aspects of rare earth manganates and cobaltatesRao, C.N.R.; Vanitha, P. Vinmathi
2014Few-Layer Borocarbonitride Nanosheets: Platinum-Free Catalyst for the Oxygen Reduction ReactionMoses, Kota; Kiran, Vankayala; Sampath, S.; Rao, C. N. R.
2016Few-Layer Nanosheets of n-Type SnSe2Saha, Sujoy; Banik, Ananya; Biswas, Kanishka
2014Field and laboratory experiments on aerosol-induced cooling in the nocturnal boundary layerMukund, V.; Singh, D. K.; Ponnulakshmi, V. K.; Subramanian, Ganesh; Sreenivas, K. R.
2001-08-24Field emission from carbon nanotubes grown on a tungsten tipSharma, R B; Tondare, V N; Joag, D S; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R
2006-09-08Field emission properties of boron and nitrogen doped carbon nanotubesSharma, R B; Late, D J; Joag, D S; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R
2008Field observations and laboratory simulation of the lifted temperature minimumSreenivas, K.R.; Mukund, V.
2003-07-31Films of Metal Nanocrystals Formed at Aqueous-Organic InterfacesRao, C N R; Kulkarni, G U; Thomas, P John; Agrawal, Ved Varun; Saravanan, P
2015Finite-cluster typical medium theory for disordered electronic systemsEkuma, C. E.; Moore, C.; Terletska, H.; Tam, K. -M.; Moreno, J.; Jarrell, M.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.
2014Finite-size scaling study of shear viscosity anomaly at liquid-liquid criticalityRoy, Sutapa; Das, Subir Kumar
2004-04-19The First Amine-Templated Layered Metal SelenatesUdayakumar, D; Dan, Meenakshi; Rao, C N R
2001-12The First Open-Framework Cadmium Phosphate, K4[Cd3(HPO4)4(H2PO4)2], with a Layered StructureJayaraman, K; Vaidhyanathan, R; Natarajan, Srinivasan; Rao, C N R
2003-09The first organically templated linear metal selenatePasha, Intyaj; Choudhury, Amitava; Rao, C N R
2004-04-21The first organically templated open-framework metal selenate with a three-dimensional architectureBehera, J N; Ayi, A A; Rao, C N R
2014First principles analysis of graphene and its ability to maintain long-ranged interaction with H2SHegde, Vinay I.; Shirodkar, Sharmila N.; Tit, Nacir; Waghmare, Umesh V.; Yamani, Zain H.
2015First principles investigations of nanomaterials for electronic, spintronic and gas storage applicationsNarasimhan, Shobhana; Ulman, Kanchan
1994First Principles Pseudopotential Calculations on Aluminum and Aluminum AlloysDavenport, J W; Chetty, N; Marr, R B; Narasimhan, Shobhana; Pasciak, J E; Peierls, R F; Weinert, M
2016First principles studies of adsorption, diffusion and reactivity of nanoclusters on surfacesNarasimhan, Shobhana; Mammen, Nisha