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Showing results 553 to 572 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Early stages of plasma induced nitridation of Si (111) surface and study of interfacial band alignmentShetty, Satish; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2000Earth's proximal space: plasma electrodynamics and the solar systemUberoi, Chanchal
2018-05-07Ecological details mediate different paths to the evolution of larval competitive ability in drosophilaJoshi, Amitabh; Sarangi, Manaswini
2023-07The ecology and evolution of larval competitive ability in laboratory populations of DrosophilaJoshi, Amitabh; Venkitachalam, Srikant
1975Effect of allylisopropylacetamide on Nuclear Ribonucleic Acid synthesis in rat liverSardana, M K; Rao, M R S; Padmanaban, G
2014Effect of amide bonds on the self-assembly of gemini surfactantsHoque, Jiaul; Gonuguntla, Spandhana; Yarlagadda, Venkateswarlu; Aswal, Vinod K.; Haldar, Jayanta
2004-07Effect of Behavioural Feedback on Circadian Clocks of the Nocturnal Field Mouse Mus boodugaChidambarama, R; Marimuthu, G; Sharma, Vijay Kumar
-Effect of Bloch wave electron propagation and momentum-resolved signal detection on the quantitative and site-specific electron magnetic chiral dichroism of magnetic spinel oxide thin filmsLoukya, B.; Negi, D. S.; Dileep, K.; Pachauri, N.; Gupta, A.; Datta, Ranjan
2000-06Effect of Cation Size and Disorder on the Structure and Properties of the Rare Earth Cobaltates, Ln0.5A0.5CoO3 (Ln = Rare Earth, A = Sr, Ba)Vanitha, P V; Arulraj, Anthony; Santhosh, P N; Rao, C N R
2004-06Effect of cation size and size-disorder on the magnetic and electron transport properties of La(0.7-x)Ln(x)Sr(0.3)MnO(3) (Ln = Gd and Dy)Seikh, Md Motin; Sudheendra, L; Rao, C N R
2014Effect of cation symmetry on the organization of ionic liquids near a charged mica surfacePayal, Rajdeep Singh; Balasubramanian, Sundaram
1999-12Effect of Compositional Fluctuations on the Phase Transitions in (Nd1/2Sr1/2)MnO3Woodward, P M; Cox, D E; Vogt, T; Rao, C N R; Cheetham, A K
2008-06Effect of coordination on bond properties: A first principles studyPaul, Jaita; Narasimhan, Shobhana
2008-06Effect of coordination on bond properties: A first principles studyPaul, Jaita; Narasimhan, Shobhana
2010-08-20Effect of curcumin and Cu2+/Zn2+ ions on the fibrillar aggregates formed by the amyloid peptide and other peptides at the organic–aqueous interfaceSanghamitra, Nusrat J M; Varghese, Neenu; Rao, C N R
1999-10Effect of Different Light Regimes on Pre-Adult Fitness in Drosophila melanogaster Populations Reared in Constant Light for over Six Hundred GenerationsSheeba, V; Sharma, Vijay Kumar; Chandrashekaran, M K; Joshi, A
1996-03Effect of Dimensionality on the Giant Magnetoresistance of the Manganates: A Study of the (La, Sr)n+1MnnO3n+1 FamilyMahesh, R; Mahendiran, R; Raychaudhuri, A K; Rao, C N R
2015Effect of drift, selection and recombination on the equilibrium frequency of deleterious mutationsJohn, Sona; Jain, Kavita
2009Effect of Electronic Coupling Between CdSe Nanocrystals on the Photoluminescence SpectraVoggu, Rakesh; Pati, Swapan K; Rao, C N R
2016Effect of elevated annealing temperature on electrical conductivity and magnetic properties of iron phthalocyanine polymerTomar, Manisha; Ashar, A. Z.; Narayan, K. S.; Muellen, Klaus; Jacob, Josemon