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Showing results 977 to 996 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003-04-22(HCN)(m)(NH3)(n)H+ clusters formed by the reaction of carbon vapor with jet-cooled ammoniaRaina, G; Kulkarni, G U; Rao, C N R
2020-03-12Health Advisory on COVID-2019 from UGCJNCASR, Administration
2014-07-07Heat transfer from drops in shearing flows and collective motion in micro-scale swimmer suspensionsSubramanian, Ganesh; Krishnamurthy, Deepak
2016Heterostructure composites of rGO/GeO2/PANI with enhanced performance for Li ion battery anode materialSarkar, Sumanta; Borah, Rohan; Santhosha, A. L.; Dhanya, R.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Bhattacharyya, Aninda J.; Peter, Sebastian C.
2018Heterostructures of 2D TMDs and BNDatta, Ranjan; Singh, Rajendra
2011Hexacyanometallate as an effective building unit: Soft supramolecular networks to 3D functional porous coordination frameworksMaji, Tapas Kumar; Hazra, Arpan
2008-03Hexadecyltriethoxysilane-induced Dispersions of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles in Nonpolar SolventsGomathi, A; Rao, C N R
2014A hexanuclear Cu(I) cluster supported by cuprophilic interaction: effects of aromatics on luminescence propertiesChakraborty, Anindita; Ramachandran, Krishna Kumar; Yamijala, Sharma S. R. K. C.; Pati, Swapan Kumar; Maji, Tapas Kumar
2016A High Affinity Red Fluorescence and Colorimetric Probe for Amyloid beta AggregatesRajasekhar, K.; Narayanaswamy, Nagarjun; Murugan, N. Arul; Kuang, Guanglin; Agren, Hans; Govindaraju, T.
2015High aspect ratio, processable coordination polymer gel nanotubes based on an AIE-active LMWG with tunable emissionSuresh, Venkata M.; De, Anangsha; Maji, Tapas Kumar
1998-03-07High catalytic efficiency of transition metal complexes encapsulated in a cubic mesoporous phaseEswaramoorthy, M; Neeraj; Rao, C N R
2016High performance MoS2 membranes: effects of thermally driven phase transition on CO2 separation efficiencyAchari, A.; Sahana, S.; Eswaramoorthy, M.
2016High performance thermoelectric materials and devices based on GeTePerumal, Suresh; Roychowdhury, Subhajit; Biswas, Kanishka
2016High Power Factor and Enhanced Thermoelectric Performance of SnTe-AgInTe2: Synergistic Effect of Resonance Level and Valence Band ConvergenceBanik, Ananya; Shenoy, U. Sandhya; Saha, Sujoy; Waghmare, Umesh V.; Biswas, Kanishka
2019High pressure investigations of structural, electronic, and topological quantum phase transitions in strong spin orbit coupling systemsNarayana, Chandrabhas; Rajaji, V.
2008High pressure raman scattering studies on Mid-chain hydrocarbons, perfluorocarbons and temperature dependent brillouin scattering studies on ABO4 tungstates and AgGas2Narayana, Chandrabhas; G, Kavitha
2021High pressure synthesis, structure and multiferroic properties of doubly ordered perovskites (AAʹBBʹO6) and other polar oxidesSundaresan, A.; Shankar P N., Ravi
2015High Thermoelectric Performance and Enhanced Mechanical Stability of p-type Ge1-xSbxTePerunnal, Suresh; Roychowdhury, Subhajit; Negi, Devendra S.; Datta, Ranjan; Biswas, Kanishka
2014High tunability of the work function of (001) surface of ReO3 with O-vacancies: First principles analysisSuchitra; Pan, Jaysree; Waghmare, Umesh V.
2014High-glucose-induced CARM1 expression regulates apoptosis of human retinal pigment epithelial cells via histone 3 arginine 17 dimethylation: Role in diabetic retinopathyKim, Dong-il; Park, Min-jung; Lim, Seul-ki; Choi, Joo-hee; Kim, Jong-choon; Han, Ho-jae; Kundu, Tapas Kumar; Park, Jae-il; Yoon, Kyung-chul; Park, Sang-woo; Park, Jong-sung; Heo, Young-ran; Park, Soo-hyun