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Showing results 1986 to 2005 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Rad51-Rad52 Mediated Maintenance of Centromeric Chromatin in Candida albicansMitra, Sreyoshi; Gomez-Raja, Jonathan; Larriba, German; Dubey, Dharani Dhar; Sanyal, Kaustuv
2007-03Rage gene promoter polymorphisms and diabetic retinopathy in a clinic-based population from South IndiaRamprasad, S; Radha, V; Mathias, R A; Majumder, P P; Rao, M R S; Rema, M
1989-07Raman and infrared spectroscopic studies of the low- and high-temperature forms of octahalo cyclic phosphazene tetramers, P4N4Cl8 and P4N4F8Varma, Vijay; Fernandes, J R; Rao, C N R
2010Raman applications in nanodiagnostics and templatingNarayana, Chandrabhas; Siddhanta, Soumik
2010-03-24Raman evidence for orbiton-mediated multiphonon scattering in multiferroic TbMnO3Kumar, Pradeep; Saha, Surajit; Muthu, D V S; Sahu, J R; Sood, A K; Rao, C N R
2015Raman investigations of phase transition and gas adsorption in metal organic frameworks and tailoring plasmons in nano architectures for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopyNarayana, Chandrabhas; Kumari, Gayatri
2023-03Raman investigations on pressure and temperature induced topological, electronic, magnetic, and structural phase transitionsNarayana, Chandrabhas; Sunil, Janaky
2014Raman scattering and synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies on rare-earth based functional oxidesNarayana, Chandrabhas; Bhadram, Venkata Srinu
2002-06Raman scattering in charge-ordered Pr0.63Ca0.37MnO3: Anomalous temperature dependence of linewidthGupta, R; Pai, G Venketeshwara; Sood, A K; Ramakrishnan, T V; Rao, C N R
2022-03Raman spectroscopy for biomedical applications: Studies of lysozyme aggregation, detection of extracellular vesicles under autophagic conditions and indels in plantsNarayana, Chandrabhas; Chalapathi, Divya
2009-09A Raman study of multiferroic LuMnO3Ghosh, Anirban; Sahu, Jyoti Ranjan; Bhat, S Venkataprasad; Rao, C N R
1994-01-07Raman study of the doped fullerene C60·TDAEMuthu, D V S; Sashikala, M N; Sood, A K; Seshadri, R; Rao, C N R
2004-11-12A Raman study of the temperature-induced low-to-intermediate-spin state transition in LaCoO3Seikeh, Md Motin; Sudheendra, L; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Rao, C N R
2015Raman, IR and DFT studies of mechanism of sodium binding to urea catalystKundu, Partha P.; Kumari, Gayatri; Chittoory, Arjun K.; Rajaram, Sridhar; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2009The Ramdas layer remains a micro-meteorological puzzleSubramanian, Ganesh; Sreenivas, K.R.; Mukund, V.; Ponnulakshmi, V.K.
2016Random Field Driven Spatial Complexity at the Mott Transition in VO2Liu, Shuo; Phillabaum, B.; Carlson, E. W.; Dahmen, K. A.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.; Qazilbash, M. M.; Basov, D. N.
2015Random Local Attraction Driven Metal-Superconductor TransitionKamar, Naushad Ahmad; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.
2018-06-23Random number generators a la BoltzmannAnsumali, Santosh; Agrawal, Samarth
1997Rapid Phase Resetting Of A Mammalian Circadian Rhythm By Brief Light PulsesSharma, Vijay Kumar; Chandrashekaran, Maroli K
2015Rare earth (RE - Ce, Gd) modified Nd1-xRExFeAsO0.7F0.3 superconductor with enhanced magneto-transport propertiesAswathy, P. M.; Anooja, J. B.; Varghese, Neson; Chandrakanth, C. K.; Kumar, N. Devendra; Sundaresan, A.; Syamaprasad, U.