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Showing results 2664 to 2683 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Valence fluctuations and disorder effects in strongly correlated electronic systemsVidhyadhiraja, N.S.; Kumar, Pramod
2014Variable-cell method for stress-controlled jamming of athermal, frictionless grainsSmith, Kyle C.; Srivastava, Ishan; Fisher, Timothy S.; Alam, Meheboob
2006Variation and covariation In life-history related traits in some species of DrosophilaJoshi, Amitabh; Bharathi, N. Sharmila
2008Velocity fluctuation, correlation and rheology in frictional granular shear flowAlam, Meheboob; Gayen, Bishakhdatta
2013Versatile applications of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) and derived materialsMaji, Tapas Kumar; Kolleboyina, Jayaramulu
1999-08-25A versatile cryocooled 15 T superconducting magnet with a room-temperature bore and an optical windowSvenconis, George; Ying, Leong; Raju, A R; Rao, C N R
2015Vibrational Signatures of Cation-Anion Hydrogen Bonding in Ionic Liquids: A Periodic Density Functional Theory and Molecular Dynamics StudyMondal, Anirban; Balasubramanian, Sundaram
2015Viscoelastic nature of Au nanoparticle-PDMS nanocomposite gelsGupta, Ritu; Nagamanasa, Hima K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh; Kulkarni, G. U.
2009-09-15Viscoelastic Properties of Nanocrystalline Films of Semiconducting Chalcogenides at Liquid/Liquid InterfaceKrishnaswamy, Rema; Kalyanikutty, K P; Biswas, Kanishka; Sood, A K; Rao, C N R
2014Visible light induced oxidation of water by rare earth manganites, cobaltites and related oxidesNaidu, B. S.; Gupta, Uttam; Maitra, Urmimala; Rao, C. N. R.
2015Visible light-induced hydrogen generation using colloidal (ZnS)(0.4)(AgInS2)(0.6) nanocrystals capped by S2- ionsJagadeeswararao, Metikoti; Dey, Sunita; Nag, Angshuman; Rao, C. N. R.
2014Visible- Light- Induced Generation of H2 by Nanocomposites of Few- Layer TiS2 and TaS2 with CdS NanoparticlesGupta, Uttam; Rao, Bolla Govinda; Maitra, Urmimala; Prasad, B. E.; Rao, C. N. R.
2014Visible-light induced hydrogen generation with ZnO/NiO/Cd1-xZnxS (x=0.0, 0.2) heterostructuresLingampalli, S. R.; Roy, Anand; Ikram, M.; Rao, C. N. R.
2016Visibly Transparent HeatersGupta, Ritu; Rao, K. D. M.; Kiruthika, S.; Kulkarni, G. U.
2019Vortex ring evolution and wall interaction in polymer solutionsSreenivas, K.R.; Hegde, Swastik
2011-07Vortex shedding patterns, their competition, and chaos in flow past inline oscillating rectangular cylindersT, Srikanth; Dixit, Harish N; Tatavarti, Rao; Govindarajan, Rama
2011Vortex shedding patterns, their competition, and chaos in flow past inline oscillating rectangular cylindersGovindarajan, Rama; Srikanth, T.
2007Water-solubilized aminoclay–metal nanoparticle composites and their novel propertiesDatta, K K R; Eswaramoorthy, M; Rao, C N R
2015Watson-Crick base pairing, electronic and photophysical properties of triazole modified adenine analogues: a computational studyDas, Shubhajit; Samanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar
1996-03-25What makes a cell tick? The A, B and C of the matterManjula, K; Rao, M R S