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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Capacitive and magnetoresistive origin of magnetodielectric effects in Sm-substituted spiral antiferromagnet BiMnFe2O6Ghara, Somnath; Yoo, Kyongjun; Kim, Kee Hoon; Sundaresan, A.
2015Effect of internal electric field on ferroelectric polarization in multiferroic TbMnO3De, Chandan; Ghara, Somnath; Sundaresan, A.
2015Influence of rare earth doping on the structural and electro-magnetic properties of SmFeAsO0.7F0.3 iron pnictideAnooja, J. B.; Aswathy, P. M.; Varghese, Neson; Chandrakanth, C. K.; Kumar, N. Devendra; Sundaresan, A.; Syamaprasad, U.
2015Rare earth (RE - Ce, Gd) modified Nd1-xRExFeAsO0.7F0.3 superconductor with enhanced magneto-transport propertiesAswathy, P. M.; Anooja, J. B.; Varghese, Neson; Chandrakanth, C. K.; Kumar, N. Devendra; Sundaresan, A.; Syamaprasad, U.
2015Possible coexistence of cycloidal phases, magnetic field reversal of polarization, and memory effect in multiferroic R0.5Dy0.5MnO3 (R=Eu and Gd)De, Chandan; Sundaresan, A.
2016Exchange bias at low fields exhibited by the interface between epitaxial layers of ferromagnetic and charge-ordered rare-earth manganitesSaha, Rana; Vasu, K.; Negi, D. S.; Datta, Ranjan; Sundaresan, A.; Rao, C. N. R.
2016Neutron scattering study of the crystallographic and spin structure in antiferromagnetic EuZrO3Saha, Rana; Sundaresan, A.; Sanyal, Milan K.; Rao, C. N. R.; Orlandi, Fabio; Manuel, Pascal; Langridge, Sean
2016Is CH3NH3PbI3 Polar?Sharada, G.; Mahale, Pratibha; Kore, Bhushan P.; Mukherjee, Somdutta; Pavan, Mysore S.; De, Chandan; Ghara, Somnath; Sundaresan, A.; Pandey, Anshu; Row, Tayur N. Guru; Sarma, D. D.
2016Magnetodielectric effects in A-site cation-ordered chromate spinels LiMCr4O8 (M = Ga and In)Saha, Rana; Fauth, Francois; Avdeev, Maxim; Kayser, Paula; Kennedy, Brendan J.; Sundaresan, A.
2016Magnetoelectric effect in simple collinear antiferromagnetic spinelsSaha, Rana; Ghara, Somnath; Suard, Emmanuelle; Jang, Dong Hyun; Kim, Kee Hoon; Ter-Oganessian, N. V.; Sundaresan, A.