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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Crystallographic phase separation and band gap of ZnO1-xSx (x=0.1-0.3) alloy thin films grown by pulsed laser depositionDileep, K.; Sahu, R.; Nagaraja, K. K.; Datta, Ranjan
2014Structural and magnetic characterization of mixed valence Co(II, III)(x)Zn1-xO epitaxial thin filmsNegi, D. S.; Loukya, B.; Dileep, K.; Sahu, R.; Shetty, S.; Kumar, N.; Ghatak, J.; Pachauri, N.; Gupta, A.; Datta, Ranjan
2014Deformation and strength of Ti-6Al-4V alloyed with B at cryogenic temperaturesSingh, Gaurav; Bajargan, Govind; Datta, Ranjan; Ramamurty, Upadrasta
2014Enhancement in creep resistance of Ti-6Al-4V alloy due to boron additionSingh, Gaurav; Satyanarayana, D. V. V.; Pederson, Robert; Datta, Ranjan; Ramamurty, Upadrasta
2014Conformational change in a urea catalyst induced by sodium cation and its effect on enantioselectivity of a Friedel-Crafts reactionChittoory, Arjun K.; Kumari, Gayatri; Mohapatra, Sudip; Kundu, Partha P.; Maji, Tapas K.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Rajaram, Sridhar
2014Unusual Reactivity of Nitronates with an Aryl Alkyl Carbonate: Synthesis of alpha-Amino EstersReddy, Golipalli Ramana; Mukherjee, Debopreeti; Chittoory, Arjun Kumar; Rajaram, Sridhar
2014Nitrogen ion induced nitridation of Si(111) surface: Energy and fluence dependenceKumar, Praveen; Kumar, Mahesh; Noetzel, R.; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2014Pd nanoparticle concentration dependent self-assembly of Pd@SiO2 nanoparticles into leaching resistant microcubesDatta, Abheek; Sadhu, Anustup; Santra, Subhankar; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Mandal, Swadhin K.; Bhattacharyya, Sayan
2014Multifunctional and robust covalent organic framework-nanoparticle hybridsPachfule, Pradip; Panda, Manas K.; Kandambeth, Sharath; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Diaz Diaz, David; Banerjee, Rahul
2014Surface nitridation induced AlN nano-columnar growth on c-sapphireShetty, Satish; Ghatak, Jay; Shivaprasad, S. M.