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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Direct measurements of growing amorphous order and non-monotonic dynamic correlations in a colloidal glass-formerNagamanasa, K. Hima; Gokhale, Shreyas; Sood, A. K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2016A micrometre-sized heat engine operating between bacterial reservoirsKrishnamurthy, Sudeesh; Ghosh, Subho; Chatterji, Dipankar; Ganapathy, Rajesh; Sood, A. K.
2016Localized Excitations and the Morphology of Cooperatively Rearranging Regions in a Colloidal Glass-Forming LiquidGokhale, Shreyas; Ganapathy, Rajesh; Nagamanasa, K. Hima; Sood, A. K.
2016Influence of an amorphous wall on the distribution of localized excitations in a colloidal glass-forming liquidGokhale, Shreyas; Nagamanasa, K. Hima; Sood, A. K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2016Deconstructing the glass transition through critical experiments on colloidsGokhale, Shreyas; Sood, A. K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2016Site-specific colloidal crystal nucleation by template-enhanced particle transportMishra, Chandan K.; Sood, A. K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2014Dynamical facilitation governs glassy dynamics in suspensions of colloidal ellipsoidsMishra, Chandan K.; Nagamanasa, K. Hima; Ganapathy, Rajesh; Sood, A. K.; Gokhale, Shreyas
2014Experimental signatures of a nonequilibrium phase transition governing the yielding of a soft glassNagamanasa, K. Hima; Gokhale, Shreyas; Sood, A. K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2014Growing dynamical facilitation on approaching the random pinning colloidal glass transitionGokhale, Shreyas; Nagamanasa, K. Hima; Ganapathy, Rajesh; Sood, A. K.