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Results 1-10 of 274 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016One-pot solvothermal synthesis of ordered intermetallic Pt2In3 as stable and efficient electrocatalyst towards direct alcohol fuel cell applicationJana, Rajkumar; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Electrochemical Dealloying of PdCu3 Nanoparticles to Achieve Pt-like Activity for the Hydrogen Evolution ReactionJana, Rajkumar; Bhim, Anupam; Bothra, Pallavi; Pati, Swapan Kumar; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Heterostructure composites of rGO/GeO2/PANI with enhanced performance for Li ion battery anode materialSarkar, Sumanta; Borah, Rohan; Santhosha, A. L.; Dhanya, R.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Bhattacharyya, Aninda J.; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Crystal Structure and Band Gap Engineering in Polyoxometalate-Based Inorganic-Organic HybridsRoy, Soumyabrata; Sarkar, Sumanta; Pan, Jaysree; Waghmare, Umesh V.; Dhanya, R.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016A review on the synthesis, crystal growth, structure and physical properties of rare earth based quaternary intermetallic compoundsMumbaraddi, Dundappa; Sarkar, Sumanta; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Swinging Symmetry, Multiple Structural Phase Transitions, and Versatile Physical Properties in RECuGa3 (RE = La-Nd, Sm-Gd)Subbarao, Udumula; Rayaprol, Sudhindra; Dally, Rebecca; Graf, Michael J.; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Enhanced Air Stability in REPb3 (RE = Rare Earths) by Dimensional Reduction Mediated Valence TransitionSubbarao, Udumula; Sarkar, Sumanta; Jana, Rajkumar; Bera, Sourav S.; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Ultrafast synthesis of flower-like ordered Pd3Pb nanocrystals with superior electrocatalytic activities towards oxidation of formic acid and ethanolJana, Rajkumar; Subbarao, Udumula; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Magnetic and X-ray absorption studies on the RE5X2Sb6 (RE = Eu, Yb; X = Al, Ga, In) compoundsSubbarao, Udumula; Sarkar, Sumanta; Joseph, Boby; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016Size and morphology controlled NiSe nanoparticles as efficient catalyst for the reduction reactionsSubbarao, Udumula; Marakatti, Vijaykumar S.; Amshumali, Mungalimane K.; Loukya, B.; Singh, Dheeraj Kumar; Datta, Ranjan; Peter, Sebastian C.