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Title: Sb deficiencies control hole transport and boost the thermoelectric performance of p-type AgSbSe2
Authors: Guin, Satya N.
Biswas, Kanishka
Keywords: Materials Science
Applied Physics
Bulk Thermoelectrics
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Citation: Journal of Materials Chemistry C
Guin, S. N.; Biswas, K., Sb deficiencies control hole transport and boost the thermoelectric performance of p-type AgSbSe2. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2015, 3 (40), 10415-10421.
Abstract: Silver antimony selenide, AgSbSe2, a Te free analogue of AgSbTe2, has been known to show a promising thermoelectric performance when it is doped with monovalent (M+) and divalent (M2+) cations in the Sb sublattice. Here, we report a significant enhancement of the thermoelectric performance of p-type nonstoichiometric AgSbSe2 through Sb deficiencies. Sb deficiencies markedly increase the carrier concentration in AgSbSe2 without the addition of any foreign dopant, which in turn enhances electrical conductivity in the 300-610 K temperature range. Enhancement in the electrical transport results in a remarkable improvement in the power factor (sigma S-2) values up to similar to 6.94 mu W cm(-1) K-2 at 610 K in AgSb1-xSe2. Notably, we have achieved a nearly constant sigma S-2 value of similar to 6 mu W cm(-1) K-2 in the 400-610 K temperature range in Sb deficient samples. Additionally, AgSbSe2 exhibits ultra-low thermal conductivity due to phonon scattering because of bond anharmonicity and a disordered cation sublattice. With superior electronic transport and ultra-low thermal conductivity, a peak ZT value of similar to 1 at 610 K was achieved for the AgSb0.9925Se2 and AgSb0.99Se2 samples. A maximum thermoelectric conversion efficiency (eta(max)) of similar to% was calculated by considering a virtual thermoelectric module consisting of the present p-type AgSb1-xSe2 and previously reported n-type AgBiSe2-xClx, by maintaining a temperature difference of Delta T = 400 K.
Description: Restricted access
ISSN: 2050-7526
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (Kaniska Biswas)

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