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Results 1191-1200 of 2850 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013-12-02Genetic analysis of the 5q34 locus for juvenile myoclonic epilepsyAnand, Anuranjan; Jaishankar, Shveta
2013-12-02; 2013Role of multifunctional protein, topoisomerase2 in the human pathogenic yeast, candida albicansSanyal, Kaustuv; Sreekumar, Lakshmi
2013-12-03; 2013Small molecule modulators of α-synuclein toxicity in a yeast modelManjithaya, Ravi; Suresh, S.N.
2013Metazoans-like mitotic events in a human pathogenic budding yeast, cryptococcus neoformansSanyal, Kaustuv; Vikas
2013-12-02; 2013Structure Activity Relationship(SAR) validation of aurora kinase inhibitors towards drug designing and understanding modulation of the kinase activity by means of post translational modificationsKundu, Tapas Kumar; Sudevan, Surabhi
2013-12-02; 2013Screening and identification of genes involved in autophagy and autophagy related pathways in the yeast saccharomyces cerevisiaeManjithaya, Ravi; Singh, Sunaina
2013Novel wing designs for tractor-propeller aircraft: theory, CFD and wind tunnel test resultsNarasimha, Roddam; Belur, Rakshith Raghavan
2013-12-02Role of replication and repair in epigenetic maintenance of candida albicans centromeresSanyal, Kaustuv; Mitra, Sreyoshi
2015Disposable Heater Arrays Using Printed Silver Patterns on Polyethylene Terephthalate for Multipurpose ApplicationsWalia, Sunil; Gupta, Ritu; Kulkarni, G. U.
2015Dielectric and Raman investigations of structural phase transitions in (C2H5NH3)(2)CdCl4Yadav, Ruchika; Swain, Diptikanta; Kundu, Partha P.; Nair, Harikrishnan S.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Elizabeth, Suja