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Results 1321-1330 of 2850 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Tunable emission in lanthanide coordination polymer gels based on a rationally designed blue emissive gelatorSutar, Papri; Suresh, Venkata M.; Maji, Tapas Kumar
2016Chiral supramolecular organization and cooperativity in DNA-templated assemblies of Zn-II-chromophore complexesRubio-Magnieto, Jenifer; Kumar, Mohit; Brocorens, Patrick; Ide, Julien; George, Subi Jacob; Lazzaroni, Roberto; Surin, Mathieu
2016Meshing organic nanowires Photogenerated charge carriers from hundreds of self-assembled nanowires are harnessed to make a functional photovoltaic deviceJain, Ankit; George, Subi Jacob
2015Collective motion in a suspension of micro-swimmers that run-and-tumble and rotary diffuseKrishnamurthy, Deepak; Subramanian, Ganesh
2015Quantum coherence of electrons in random networks of c-axis oriented wedge-shaped GaN nanowalls grown by molecular beam epitaxyBhasker, H. P.; Thakur, Varun; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Dhar, S.
2015Metal-insulator transition in a weakly interacting disordered electron systemEkuma, C. E.; Yang, S. -X.; Terletska, H.; Tam, K. -M.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.; Moreno, J.; Jarrell, M.
-Structural and optical property characterization of epitaxial ZnO:Te thin films grown by pulsed laser depositionSahu, R.; Dileep, K.; Negi, D. S.; Nagaraja, K. K.; Shetty, S.; Datta, Ranjan
2015Solution-Based Synthesis of Layered Intergrowth Compounds of the Homologous PbmBi2nTe3n+m Series as NanosheetsChatterjee, Arindom; Biswas, Kanishka
2016Deterministic evolution of an asexual population under the action of beneficial and deleterious mutations on additive fitness landscapesJain, Kavita; John, Sona
2015Light driven mesoscale assembly of a coordination polymeric gelator into flowers and stars with distinct propertiesMukhopadhyay, Rahul Dev; Praveen, Vakayil K.; Hazra, Arpan; Maji, Tapas Kumar; Ajayaghosh, Ayyappanpillai