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Results 31-40 of 63 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Crystal Structure and Band Gap Engineering in Polyoxometalate-Based Inorganic-Organic HybridsRoy, Soumyabrata; Sarkar, Sumanta; Pan, Jaysree; Waghmare, Umesh V.; Dhanya, R.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Peter, Sebastian C.
2015How Far Can We Probe by SERS?Kumari, Gayatri; Kandula, Jyothirmayee; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2015Highly Decoupled Graphene Multilayers: Turbostraticity at its BestMogera, Umesha; Dhanya, Radhakrishnan; Pujar, Rajashekhar; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Kulkarni, G. U.
2015Comparative high pressure Raman studies on perfluorohexane and perfluoroheptaneKavitha, C.; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2015Size and distribution control of surface plasmon enhanced photoluminescence and SERS signal in Ag-GaN hybrid systemsThakur, Varun; Siddhanta, Soumik; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2015Nano-morphology induced additional surface plasmon resonance enhancement of SERS sensitivity in Ag/GaN nanowall networkSharvani, S.; Upadhayaya, Kishor; Kumari, Gayatri; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2015Solution processed nanomanufacturing of SERS substrates with random Ag nanoholes exhibiting uniformly high enhancement factorsGupta, Ritu; Siddhanta, Soumik; Mettela, Gangaiah; Chakraborty, Swati; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Kulkarni, G. U.
2015Raman, IR and DFT studies of mechanism of sodium binding to urea catalystKundu, Partha P.; Kumari, Gayatri; Chittoory, Arjun K.; Rajaram, Sridhar; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2016Guest dependent Brillouin and Raman scattering studies of zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) under external pressureRadhakrishnan, Dhanya; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2016Investigation of Ca substitution on the gas sensing potential of LaFeO3 nanoparticles towards low concentration SO2 gasPalimar, Sowmya; Kaushik, S. D.; Siruguri, V.; Swain, Diptikanta; Viegas, Alison E.; Narayana, Chandrabhas; Sundaram, Nalini G.