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Browsing by Author "Fang, Xiaosheng"

Browsing by Author "Fang, Xiaosheng"

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  • Gautam, Ujjal K; Panchakarla, L S; Dierre, Benjamin; Fang, Xiaosheng; Bando, Yoshio; Sekiguchi, Takashi; Govindaraj, A; Golberg, Dmitri; Rao, C N R (Wiley-VCH Verlag Gmbh, 2009-01-09)
    Homogenous crystallization in solution, in the absence of external influences, is expected to lead to growth that is symmetric at least in two opposite facets. Such was not the case when we attempted to synthesize ZnO ...
  • Gautam, Ujjal K; Imura, Masataka; Rout, Chandra Sekhar; Bando, Yoshio; Fang, Xiaosheng; Dierre, Benjamin; Sakharov, Leonid; Govindaraj, A; Sekiguchi, Takashi; Golberg, Dmitri; Rao, C N R (National Academy Of Sciences, 2010-08-03)
    Oriented assemblies of small crystals forming larger structures are common in nature and crucial for forthcoming technologies as they circumvent the difficulties of structural manipulation at microscopic scale. We have ...

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