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Browsing by Author "Kalsi, Deepti"

Browsing by Author "Kalsi, Deepti"

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  • Kalsi, Deepti; Rayaprol, S.; Siruguri, V.; Peter, Sebastian C. (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014)
    We report the crystallographic properties of RE(2)NiG(e)3 (RE=La, Ce) synthesized by arc melting. Rietveld refinement on the powder neutron diffraction (ND) data suggest both compounds are isostructural and crystallize in ...
  • Kalsi, Deepti; Subbarao, Udumula; Rayaprol, Sudhindra; Peter, Sebastian C. (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014)
    We investigate the structural and magnetic properties in the polymorphs of a new compound CeRh0.5Ge1.5. Depending upon the starting materials, and the slightly different synthesis method, we find that CeRh0.5Ge1.5 compound ...
  • Sarkar, Sumanta; Kalsi, Deepti; Rayaprol, Sudhindra; Peter, Sebastian C. (Elsevier Science Sa, 2015)
    Structural analysis of the room temperature diffraction data of Nd2NiGe3 shows that it exhibits AlB2 type structure with space group P6/mmm. The crystal structure of Nd2NiGe3 consists of two dimensional Ni/Ge hexagonal ...
  • Sarkar, Sumanta; Mumbaraddi, Dundappa; Halappa, Pramod; Kalsi, Deepti; Rayaprol, Sudhindra; Peter, Sebastian C. (Academic Press Inc, Elsevier Science, 2015)
    We have synthesized the compounds RE2AgGe3 (RE = Ce, Pr, Nd) by arc melting. The crystal structure obtained from single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction suggests that these compounds crystallize in the alpha-ThSi2 ...

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