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Browsing by Author "Kalyanikutty, K P"

Browsing by Author "Kalyanikutty, K P"

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  • Kalyanikutty, K P; Deepak, F L; Edem, Christopher; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2005-05-18)
    MgO nanowires and related nanostructures have been prepared by carbon-assisted synthesis, starting from polycrystalline MgO or Mg without the use of metal catalysts. The study has been carried out with different sources ...
  • Kalyanikutty, K P; Gundiah, Gautam; Edem, Christopher; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R (Elsevier Science BV, 2005-06-17)
    Sn-doped In2O3 (ITO) nanowires have been prepared by carbon-assisted synthesis starting with a powdered mixture of the metal nitrates or with a citric acid gel formed by the metal nitrates. Copious quantities of nanowires ...
  • Bera, M K; Sanyal, M K; Banerjee, R; Kalyanikutty, K P; Rao, C N R (Elsevier Science BV, 2008-08-08)
    We report on the profound effect of vibrations on the formation and ordering of aggregates of gold nanoparticles formed at the toluene-water interface using high-resolution atomic force microscopy. We obtain 2.3 nm thick ...
  • Sanyal, Milan K; Agrawal, Ved V; Bera, Mrinal K; Kalyanikutty, K P; Daillant, Jean; Blot, Christian; Kubowicz, S; Konovalov, Oleg; Rao, C N R (American Chemical Society, 2008-02-14)
    Microscopic measurements that provide direct information in nanometer length scales are essential to obtain a proper understanding of the interfacial reactions that form nanostructured materials. We present here the results ...
  • Kalyanikutty, K P; Nikhila, M; Maitra, Uday; Rao, C N R (Elsevier Science BV, 2006-12-04)
    By carrying out the reaction of appropriate metal compounds with Na2S in the presence of a tripodal cholamide-based hydrogel, nanotubes and nanorods of US, ZnS and CuS have been obtained. The nanostructures have been ...
  • Rao, C N R; Kalyanikutty, K P (American Chemical Society, 2008-04)
    Unlike the air-water interface, the organic-aqueous (liquid-liquid) interface has not been exploited sufficiently for materials synthesis. In this Account, we demonstrate how ultrathin nanocrystalline films of metals such ...
  • Rao, C N R; Agrawal, Ved Varun; Biswas, Kanishka; Gautam, Ujjal K; Ghosh, Moumita; Govindaraj, A; Kulkarni, G U; Kalyanikutty, K P; Sardar, Kripasindhu; Vivekchandi, S R C (International Union Of Pure Applied Chemistry, 2006-09)
    Chemical approaches have emerged as the preferred means to synthesize nanostructures of various inorganic materials due to superior control over size, shape, and surface functionality. This article provides an overview of ...
  • Kalyanikutty, K P; Gautam, Ujjal K; Rao, C N R (Elsevier BV, 2006-03)
    Ultra-thin films of ZnS have been prepared by the reaction of zinc cupferronate or zinc stearate in a toluene solution with an aqueous solution of Na2S. The films have been examined by electron microscopy and other techniques. ...
  • Krishnaswamy, Rema; Kalyanikutty, K P; Biswas, Kanishka; Sood, A K; Rao, C N R (American Chemical Society, 2009-09-15)
    The interfacial shear rheological properties of a continuous single-crystalline film of CuS and a 3D particulate gel of CdS nanoparticles (3-5 nm in diameter) formed at toluene-water interfaces have been studied. The ...

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