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Browsing by Author "Tam, K. -M."

Browsing by Author "Tam, K. -M."

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  • Ekuma, C. E.; Moore, C.; Terletska, H.; Tam, K. -M.; Moreno, J.; Jarrell, M.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S. (American Physical Society, 2015)
    We use the recently developed typical medium dynamical cluster (TMDCA) approach [Ekuma et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 081107 (2014)] to perform a detailed study of the Anderson localization transition in three dimensions for the ...
  • Ekuma, C. E.; Yang, S. -X.; Terletska, H.; Tam, K. -M.; Vidhyadhiraja, N. S.; Moreno, J.; Jarrell, M. (American Physical Society, 2015)
    The interplay of interactions and disorder is studied using the Anderson-Hubbard model within the typical medium dynamical cluster approximation. Treating the interacting, nonlocal cluster self-energy [Sigma(c)[(g) over ...

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