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Browsing by Author "Tandon, Ashwani"

Browsing by Author "Tandon, Ashwani"

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  • Reddy, Sreekanth P; Britto, Ramona; Vinnakota, Katyayni; Aparna, Hebbar; Sreepathi, Hari Kishore; Thota, Balaram; Kumari, Arpana; Shilpa, B M; Vrinda, M; Umesh, Srikantha; Samuel, Cini; Shetty, Mitesh; Tandon, Ashwani; Pandey, Paritosh; Hegde, Sridevi; Hegde, A S; Balasubramaniam, Anandh; Chandramouli, B A; Santosh, Vani; Kondaiah, Paturu; Somasundaram, Kumaravel; Rao, M R S (American Association for Cancer Research, 2008-05-15)
    Purpose: Current methods of classification of astrocytoma based on histopathologic methods are often subjective and less accurate. Although patients with glioblastoma have grave prognosis, significant variability in patient ...
  • Reddy, P Sreekanth; Umesh, Srikantha; Thota, Balaram; Tandon, Ashwani; Pandey, Paritosh; Hegde, A S; Balasubramaniam, Anandh; Chandramouli, B A; Santosh, Vani; Rao, M R S; Kondaiah, Paturu; Somasundaram, Kumaravel (Landes Bioscience, 2008-05)
    Malignant astrocytomas comprise anaplastic astrocytoma (AA; grade III) and Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV). GBM is the most malignant with a median survival of 10-12 months in patients. Using cDNA microarray based expression ...

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