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Browsing by Author "Waghmare, U V"

Browsing by Author "Waghmare, U V"

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  • Raidongia, Kalyan; Jagadeesan, Dinesh; Upadhyay-Kahaly, Mousumi; Waghmare, U V; Pati, Swapan K; Eswaramoorthy, M; Rao, C N R (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008)
    BCN nanotube brushes have been obtained by the high temperature reaction of amorphous carbon nanotube (a-CNT) brushes with a mixture of boric acid and urea. The a-CNT brushes themselves were obtained by the pyrolysis of ...
  • Panchokarla, L S; Subrahmanyam, K S; Saha, S K; Govindaraj, Achutharao; Krishnamurthy, H R; Waghmare, U V; Rao, C N R (Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, 2009-12-11)
    Boron- and nitrogen-doped graphenes are are prepared by the arc discharge between carbon electrodes or by the transformation of nanodiamond under appropriate atmospheres. Using a combination of experiment and theories based ...

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