Kalyan B. Sinha



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  • Das, Biswarup; Goswami, Debashish; Sinha, Kalyan B. (Springer, 2014)
    We give a new method for proving the homomorphic property of a quantum stochastic flow satisfying a quantum stochastic differential equation with unbounded coefficients, under some further hypotheses. As an application, ...
  • Belton, Alexander C. R.; Sinha, Kalyan B. (Oxford University Press, 2014)
    It is shown how to use non-commutative stopping times in order to stop the CCR flow of arbitrary index and also its isometric cocycles, i.e. left operator Markovian cocycles on Boson Fock space. Stopping the CCR flow yields ...
  • Ji, Un Cig; Sinha, Kalyan B. (American Institute Physics, 2016)
    We first study a class of fundamental quantum stochastic processes induced by the generators of a six dimensional non-solvable Lie dagger-algebra consisting of all linear combinations of the generalized Gross Laplacian and ...