DSpace Repository

Research Articles (Meher K. Prakash)

Research Articles (Meher K. Prakash)


Recent Submissions

  • Karmakar, Tarak; Roy, Sourav; Balararn, Hemalatha; Prakash, Meher K.; Balasubramanian, Sundaram (American Chemical Society, 2016)
    Atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations coupled with the metadynamics technique were carried out to delineate the product (PPi.2Mg and IMP) release mechanisms from the active site of both human (Hs) and Plasmodium ...
  • Palazzesi, Ferruccio; Prakash, Meher K.; Bonomi, Massimiliano; Barducci, Alessandro (American Chemical Society, 2015)
    Molecular Dynamics (MD) plays a fundamental role in characterizing protein disordered states that are emerging as crucial actors in many biological processes. Here we assess the accuracy of three current force-fields in ...