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Using genetic analysis to estimate population size, sex ratio, and social organization in an Asian elephant population in conflict with humans in Alur, southern India

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dc.contributor.author Chakraborty, Subhankar
dc.contributor.author Boominathan, D.
dc.contributor.author Desai, Ajay A.
dc.contributor.author Vidya, T. N. C.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-02-21T07:06:30Z
dc.date.available 2017-02-21T07:06:30Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.citation Chakraborty, S; Boominathan, D; Desai, AA; Vidya, TNC, Using genetic analysis to estimate population size, sex ratio, and social organization in an Asian elephant population in conflict with humans in Alur, southern India. Conservation Genetics 2014, 15 (4) 897-907, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10592-014-0587-y en_US
dc.identifier.citation Conservation Genetics en_US
dc.identifier.citation 15 en_US
dc.identifier.citation 4 en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1566-0621
dc.identifier.uri https://libjncir.jncasr.ac.in/xmlui/10572/2455
dc.description Restricted Access en_US
dc.description.abstract With growing human and, possibly, elephant populations and a drastic increase in anthropogenic activities, human-elephant conflict in Asia has been on the rise. The Alur area in Karnataka state, southern India, is one such case in point, which has witnessed increasing levels of human-elephant conflict over the last two decades. The tiny, moderately protected habitat available for elephants in this human-dominated landscape does not appear to be able to support elephants over the long term. Options to deal with the escalating conflict include translocation of elephants, bringing elephants into captivity, and culling. We carried out a molecular genetic study of elephants in the Alur area to estimate the minimum number of elephants using the area, the sex ratio, genetic relatedness between individuals, and genetic structure with regard to the larger population in the landscape, so that informed management decisions could be made. Fresh dung samples were collected from the field and genotyped using 12 microsatellite loci. We found 29 unique individuals in the population, comprising 17 females and 12 males of different age classes. Relatedness between females suggested independent colonisations by discrete, small groups rather than by one cohesive clan of related females. This obviates the need for a single solution for dealing with all the females in the area in order to maintain social integrity, and has implications in terms how these elephants can be dealt with. We demonstrate how social organization inferred through molecular data from non-invasive sampling can inform management decisions. en_US
dc.description.uri 1572-9737 en_US
dc.description.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10592-014-0587-y en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher Springer en_US
dc.rights @Springer, 2014 en_US
dc.subject Biodiversity Conservation en_US
dc.subject Genetics & Heredity en_US
dc.subject Asian Elephant en_US
dc.subject Genetic Relatedness en_US
dc.subject Hassan District en_US
dc.subject Human-Elephant Conflict en_US
dc.subject Non-Invasive Sampling en_US
dc.subject Social Organization en_US
dc.subject Multilocus Genotype Data en_US
dc.subject Human-Wildlife Conflict en_US
dc.subject Loxodonta-Africana en_US
dc.subject National-Park en_US
dc.subject Microsatellite Loci en_US
dc.subject Maximus Populations en_US
dc.subject Software en_US
dc.subject DNA en_US
dc.subject Conservation en_US
dc.subject Relatedness en_US
dc.title Using genetic analysis to estimate population size, sex ratio, and social organization in an Asian elephant population in conflict with humans in Alur, southern India en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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