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Design of new methods for the synthesis of alpha amino esters

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dc.contributor.advisor Rajaram, Sridhar
dc.contributor.author Reddy, G.Ramana
dc.date.accessioned 2019-07-18T11:17:40Z
dc.date.available 2019-07-18T11:17:40Z
dc.date.issued 2016-06-29
dc.identifier.citation Reddy, G.Ramana. 2016, Design of new methods for the synthesis of alpha amino esters, Ph.D thesis, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, Bengaluru en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://libjncir.jncasr.ac.in/xmlui/handle/10572/2656
dc.description.abstract Amino acids are an important class of molecules that have applications in a wide variety of research areas. In the realm of biology, α-amino acids are the building blocks of all proteins. Apart from this, they also act as neurotransmitters, signaling molecules, and antibiotics. Overall, these compounds constitute the second largest component of human muscles, tissues, and cells. One of the important roles of proteins is the catalysis of biochemical reactions. These are accomplished by enzymes, a subset of proteins. Chemists have attempted to mimic these catalysts in the laboratory. en_US
dc.language.iso English en_US
dc.publisher Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research en_US
dc.rights © 2016 JNCASR
dc.subject Amino acids en_US
dc.subject Amino esters synthesis en_US
dc.title Design of new methods for the synthesis of alpha amino esters en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.type.qualificationlevel Doctoral en_US
dc.type.qualificationname Ph.D. en_US
dc.publisher.department New Chemistry Unit (NCU) en_US

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  • Student Theses (NCU) [132]
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