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Showing results 1342 to 1361 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Laboratory simulation of lifted temperature minimumSreenivas, K.R.; Tiwari, Punit
2007-04Lack of association between serum adiponectin levels and the Pro12Ala polymorphism in Asian IndiansRadha, V; Vimaleswaran, K S; Babu, S; Deepa, R; Anjana, M; Ghosh, S; Majumder, P P; Rao, M R S; Mohan, V
2007Lamellar and Three-Dimensional Hybrid Compounds Formed by Cyclohexene- and Cyclohexanedicarboxylates of Pb, La, and CdRao, K Prabhakara; Thirumurugan, A; Rao, C N R
2014Lanthanide-organic frameworks for gas storage and as magneto-luminescent materialsRoy, Syamantak; Chakraborty, Anindita; Maji, Tapas Kumar
1998-08-07Large Aligned-Nanotube Bundles From Ferrocene PyrolysisRao, C N R; Sen, Rahul; Satishkumar, B C; Govindaraj, A
2012Large and small ventral lateral neurons play vital roles in circadian arousal circuits in drosophila melanogasterVasu, Sheeba; Potdar, Sheetal
2014Large area defrosting windows based on electrothermal heating of highly conducting and transmitting Ag wire meshKiruthika, S.; Gupta, Ritu; Kulkarni, G. U.
2014Large area solution processed transparent conducting electrode based on highly interconnected Cu wire networkKiruthika, S.; Gupta, Ritu; Rao, K. D. M.; Chakraborty, Swati; Padmavathy, Nagarajan; Kulkarni, G. U.
2016Large area transparent ZnO photodetectors with Au wire network electrodesKiruthika, S.; Singh, Shubra; Kulkarni, G. U.
2016Large linear magnetoresistance in topological crystalline insulator Pb0.6Sn0.4TeRoychowdhury, Subhajit; Ghara, Somnath; Guin, Satya N.; Sundaresan, A.; Biswas, Kanishka
2007-12-17Large nonlinear absorption and refraction coefficients of carbon nanotubes estimated from femtosecond z-scan measurementsKamaraju, N; Kumar, Sunil; Sood, A K; Guha, Shekhar; Krishnamurthy, Srinivasan; Rao, C N R
2008-10-28Large Ventral Lateral Neurons Modulate Arousal and Sleep in DrosophilaSheeba, Vasu; Fogle, Keri J; Kaneko, Maki; Rashid, Saima; Chou, Yu-Ting; Sharma, Vijay Kumar; Holmes, Todd C
2014Large, secondarily collected data in biological and environmental sciencesVidya, T. N. C.
2014Large-area luminescent solar concentrators based on 'Stokes-shift-engineered' nanocrystals in a mass-polymerized PMMA matrixMeinardi, Francesco; Colombo, Annalisa; Velizhanin, Kirill A.; Simonutti, Roberto; Lorenzon, Monica; Beverina, Luca; Viswanatha, Ranjani; Klimov, Victor I.; Brovelli, Sergio
2015Late emergence chronotypes of fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster exhibit higher accuracy of entrainmentNikhil, K. L.; Vaze, Koustubh M.; Sharma, Vijay Kumar
2014-11-18Lattice differential operators for computational physicsAnsumali, Santosh; Ramaadugu, Rashmi
2015-02-27Lattice fokker plank method for complex fluidsAnsumali, Santosh; Singh, Shiwani
2016Layer specific optical band gap measurement at nanoscale in MoS2 and ReS2 van der Waals compounds by high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopyDileep, K.; Sahu, R.; Sarkar, Sumanta; Peter, Sebastian C.; Datta, Ranjan
2000-02A layered aluminum phosphate, [C2N2H10] [Al2(OH)2H2O(PO4)2]H2O, by the amine phosphate routeChoudhury, Amitava; Natarajan, Srinivasan; Rao, C N R
2001-09A layered chlorophosphate, Na-3[Cd4Cl3(HPO4)(2)(H2PO4)(4)], containing Na+ ions in the interlamellar spaceJayaraman, Krishnamoorthy; Choudhury, Amitava; Vaidhyanathan, Ramanathan; Rao, C N R