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Showing results 2479 to 2498 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Tackling vancomycin-resistant bacteria with 'lipophilic-vancomycin-carbohydrate conjugates'Yarlagadda, Venkateswarlu; Konai, Mohini M.; Manjunath, Goutham B.; Ghosh, Chandradhish; Haldar, Jayanta
2020Tailored plasmonic nano architectures for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy and its applications in probing biomolecular interactionsNarayana, Chandrabhas; Aggarwal, Shantanu
2023-06Tailoring of chemical bonding, electronic structure and lattice dynamics to achieve high thermoelectric performance in metal chalcogenidesBiswas, Kanishka; Sarkar, Debattam
2020Tailoring the properties of two-dimensional systems by molecular adsorption and defect engineering: density functional theory studiesNarasimhan, Shobhana; Mondal, Sourav
2022-06A Tale of two chronotypes: Behavioral and genetic characterization of chronotype divergence in drosophila melanogasterVasu, Sheeba; Ghosh, Arijit
2017A tale of two species: clock properties and sleep characteristics of drosophila melanogaster and drosophila ananassaeVasu, Sheeba; Kundu, Pritha
2014Targeting Mycobacterium tuberculosis nucleoid-associated protein HU with structure-based inhibitorsBhowmick, Tuhin; Ghosh, Soumitra; Dixit, Karuna; Ganesan, Varsha; Ramagopal, Udupi A.; Dey, Debayan; Sarma, Siddhartha P.; Ramakumar, Suryanarayanarao; Nagaraja, V.
2014TbRhSn and DyRhSn - Detailed magnetic and Sn-119 Mossbauer spectroscopic studiesGurgul, Jacek; Latka, Kazimierz; Pacyna, Andrzej W.; Peter, Sebastian C.; Poettgen, Rainer
2014Temperature dependent magnetic, dielectric and Raman studies of partially disordered La2NiMnO6Kumar, Pradeep; Ghara, Somnath; Rajeswaran, B.; Muthu, D. V. S.; Sundaresan, A.; Sood, A. K.
2015Temperature driven p-n-p type conduction switching materials: current trends and future directionsGuin, Satya N.; Biswas, Kanishka
2011-02-09Temperature effects on the Raman spectra of graphenes: dependence on the number of layers and dopingLate, Dattatray J; Maitra, Urmimala; Panchakarla, L S; Waghmare, Umesh V; Rao, C N R
2014Temperature sensitivity of circadian clocks is conserved across Drosophila species melanogaster, malerkotliana and ananassaePrabhakaran, Priya M.; Sheeba, Vasu
2001Temperature-dependent electron paramagnetic resonance studies of charge-ordered Nd0.5Ca0.5MnO3Joshi, Janhavi P; Gupta, Rajeev; Sood, A K; Bhat, S V; Raju, A R; Rao, C N R
2010-02Temperature-dependent infrared reflectivity studies of multiferroic TbMnO3: Evidence for spin-phonon couplingKumar, Pradeep; Saha, Surajit; Serrao, C R; Sood, A K; Rao, C N R
2014Temperature-dependent stability of stacking faults in Al, Cu and Ni: first-principles analysisBhogra, Meha; Ramamurty, U.; Waghmare, Umesh V.
1998-03Temperature-dependent vacuum tunneling spectroscopy of rare-earth manganates showing colossalmagnetoresistance and charge orderingBiswas, A; Raychaudhuri, A K; Arulraj, A; Rao, C N R
2014Temperature-induced electron-phonon coupling behaviour of AgGaS2 probed by Brillouin spectroscopyKavitha, C.; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2010-09-28Temperature-induced magnetization reversal in BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3 synthesized at high pressureMandal, P; Sundaresan, A; Rao, C N R; Iyo, A; Shirage, P M; Tanaka, Y; Simon, Ch; Pralong, V; Lebedev, O I; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B
2004-12-07Template-free chemical route to ultrathin single-crystalline films of CuS and CuO employing the liquid-liquid interfaceGautam, U K; Ghosh, M; Rao, C N R
2016-06-07Temporal control over growth of dynamic charge-transfer stacksGeorge, Subi J.; Jain, Ankit