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Results 1-10 of 18 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Role of quantum confinement in giving rise to high electron mobility in GaN nanowall networksBhasker, H. P.; Thakur, Varun; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Dhar, S.
2015Enhanced Hydrogenation Properties of Size Selected Pd-C Core-Shell Nanoparticles; Effect of Carbon Shell ThicknessSingh, Vinod; Mehta, Bodh R.; Sengar, Saurabh K.; Kulriya, Pawan K.; Khan, Saif A.; Shivaprasad, Sonnada M.
2015High-Yield Synthesis of Sub-10 nm Pt Nanotetrahedra with Bare < 111 > Facets for Efficient Electrocatalytic ApplicationsRana, Moumita; Chhetri, Manjeet; Loukya, B.; Patil, Pramod K.; Datta, Ranjan; Gautam, Ujjal K.
2015Pre-nitridation induced In incorporation in InxGa1-xN nanorods on Si(111) grown by molecular beam epitaxyDe, Arpan; Tangi, Malleswararao; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2015A WO3-poly(butyl viologen) layer-by-layer film/ruthenium purple film based electrochromic device switching by 1 volt applicationSydam, Rambabu; Deepa, Melepurath; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Srivastava, A. K.
2015Raman, IR and DFT studies of mechanism of sodium binding to urea catalystKundu, Partha P.; Kumari, Gayatri; Chittoory, Arjun K.; Rajaram, Sridhar; Narayana, Chandrabhas
2015Shape of Dynamical Heterogeneities and Fractional Stokes-Einstein and Stokes-Einstein-Debye Relations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Suspensions of Colloidal EllipsoidsMishra, Chandan K.; Ganapathy, Rajesh
2015Electronic structure of GaN nanowall network analysed by XPSThakur, Varun; Shivaprasad, S. M.
2015Spatially resolved quantitative magnetic order measurement in spinel CuCr2S4 nanocrystalsNegi, D. S.; Loukya, B.; Ramasamy, K.; Gupta, A.; Datta, Ranjan
2015Quantum coherence of electrons in random networks of c-axis oriented wedge-shaped GaN nanowalls grown by molecular beam epitaxyBhasker, H. P.; Thakur, Varun; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Dhar, S.