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Title: Quantum phases of hardcore bosons in two coupled chains: A density matrix renormalization group study
Authors: Pandey, Bradraj
Sinha, S.
Pati, Swapan Kumar
Keywords: Condensed Matter Physics
Bose-Hubbard Model
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review B
Pandey, B.; Sinha, S.; Pati, S. K., Quantum phases of hardcore bosons in two coupled chains: A density matrix renormalization group study. Physical Review B 2015, 91 (21), 7.
Abstract: We consider hardcore bosons in two coupled chains of one dimensional lattices at half filling with repulsive intrachain interaction and interchain attraction. This can be mapped onto a coupled chain of spin-1/2 XXZ model with interchain ferromagnetic coupling. We investigate various phases of hardcore bosons (and related spin model) at zero temperature by a density matrix renormalization group method. Apart from the usual superfluid and density wave phases, pairing of interchain bosons leads to the formation of phases like pair superfluid and density wave of strongly bound pairs. We discuss the possible experimental realization of such correlated phases in the context of cold dipolar gas.
Description: Restricted access
ISSN: 1098-0121
Appears in Collections:Research Articles (Swapan Kumar Pati)

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