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Title: Functionalization and solubilization of BN nanotubes by interaction with Lewis bases
Authors: Pal, Shrinwantu
Vivekchand, S R C
Govindaraj, A
Rao, C N R
Keywords: Boron-Nitride Nanotubes
Bxcynz Nanotubes
Issue Date: 2007
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Citation: Journal of Materials Chemistry 17(5), 450-452 (2007)
Abstract: By interaction with a trialkylamine or trialkylphosphine, BN nanotubes can be dispersed in a hydrocarbon medium with retention of the nanotube structure.
Other Identifiers: 0959-9428
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (Prof. C.N.R. Rao)

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