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Title: HUMHOT: a database of human meiotic recombination hot spots
Authors: Nishant, K T
Kumar, Chetan
Rao, M R S
Keywords: Double-Strand Breaks
Class-Ii Region
Linkage Disequilibrium
Initiation Site
Issue Date: 1-Jan-2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Citation: Nucleic Acids Research 34, D25-D28 (2006)
Abstract: Meiotic recombination occurs preferentially at certain regions in the genome referred to as hot spots. The number of hot spots known in humans has increased manifold in recent years. The identification of these hot spots in humans is of great interest to population and medical geneticists since they influence the structure of Linkage Disequilibrium and Haplotype blocks in human populations, whose patterns have applications in mapping disease genes. HUMHOT is a web-based database of Human Meiotic Recombination Hot Spots. The database comprises DNA sequences corresponding to the hot spot regions from the literature that have been mapped to a high resolution (< 4kb) in humans. It also provides flanking sequence information for the hot spot region along with references describing the hot spot. The database can be queried based on hot spot identity, chromosome position or by homology to user-defined sequences. It is also updated withnew hot spot sequences as they are discovered and provides hyperlinks to commonly used tools for estimating recombination rates, performing genetic analysis and new advances in our understanding of meiotic hot spots. Public access to the HUMHOT database is available at
Other Identifiers: 0305-1048
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (M.R.S. Rao)

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