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A Novel Structure-Specific Endonuclease Activity Associated with Polypyrimidine-Tract Binding (PTB) Related Protein from Rat Testis

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dc.contributor.author Haldar, Devyani
dc.contributor.author Acharya, Samir
dc.contributor.author Rao, M R S
dc.date.accessioned 2012-02-09T11:29:36Z
dc.date.available 2012-02-09T11:29:36Z
dc.date.issued 2002-10-01
dc.identifier 0006-2960 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Biochemistry 41(39), 11628-11641 (2002) en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://libjncir.jncasr.ac.in/xmlui/10572/367
dc.description Restricted Access en_US
dc.description.abstract Nucleases are involved in the processing of various intermediates generated during crucial DNA metabolic processes such as replication, repair, and recombination and also during maturation of RNA precursors. An endonuclease, degrading specifically single-stranded circular DNA, was identified earlier in rat testis nuclear extract while purifying a strand-transfer activity. We are now reporting the purification of this endonuclease, which is a monomeric 42 kDa protein, from rat testis to near-homogeneity. In addition to degrading single-stranded circular DNA, it nicks supercoiled plasmid DNA to generate relaxed DNA and does not act on linear single-stranded or double-stranded DNA. It also makes specific incisions at the single-strand/duplex junction of pseudo-Y, 3'- and 5'-overhangs and 3'- and 5-flap structures. Other structures such as mismatch, insertion loop, and Holliday junction are not substrates for the testis endonuclease. In contrast to FEN1, the testis endonuclease makes asymmetric incisions on both strands of the branched structures, and free single-stranded ends are not necessary for the structure-specific incisions. Neither 5'-3' nor 3'-5' exonuclease activity is associated with the testis endonuclease. The amino acid sequences of tryptic peptides of the 42 kDa endonuclease show near-identity to polypyrimidine-tract binding protein (PTB) that is involved in the regulation of splicing of eukaryotic mRNA. The significance of the results on the association of structure-specific endonucleae activities with PTB-related protein is discussed. en_US
dc.description.uri http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/bi0260942 en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher American Chemical Society en_US
dc.rights © 2002 American Chemical Society en_US
dc.subject Human Flap Endonuclease-1 en_US
dc.subject Pre-Messenger-Rna en_US
dc.subject Nucleotide Excision-Repair en_US
dc.subject Double-Strand Breaks en_US
dc.subject Escherichia-Coli en_US
dc.subject Saccharomyces-Cerevisiae en_US
dc.subject Dna-Repair en_US
dc.subject Xenopus-Laevis en_US
dc.subject Gene-Product en_US
dc.subject Cleavage en_US
dc.title A Novel Structure-Specific Endonuclease Activity Associated with Polypyrimidine-Tract Binding (PTB) Related Protein from Rat Testis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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