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Showing results 2681 to 2700 of 2703 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2007Water-solubilized aminoclay–metal nanoparticle composites and their novel propertiesDatta, K K R; Eswaramoorthy, M; Rao, C N R
2015Watson-Crick base pairing, electronic and photophysical properties of triazole modified adenine analogues: a computational studyDas, Shubhajit; Samanta, Pralok K.; Pati, Swapan Kumar
1996-03-25What makes a cell tick? The A, B and C of the matterManjula, K; Rao, M R S
2008-09White-light sources based on composites of GaN nanoparticles with conducting polymers and nanophosphorsChitara, Basant; Bhat, S Venkataprasad; Vivekchand, S R C; Gomathi, A; Rao, C N R
2015A WO3-poly(butyl viologen) layer-by-layer film/ruthenium purple film based electrochromic device switching by 1 volt applicationSydam, Rambabu; Deepa, Melepurath; Shivaprasad, S. M.; Srivastava, A. K.
1993World of Bohr and Dirac: images of twentieth century physicsMukunda, N
2014Worldwide outdoor round robin study of organic photovoltaic devices and modulesMadsen, Morten V.; Gevorgyan, Suren A.; Pacios, R.; Ajuria, J.; Etxebarria, I.; Kettle, Jeff; Bristow, Noel D.; Neophytou, Marios; Choulis, Stelios A.; Roman, Lucimara Stolz; Yohannes, Teketel; Cester, Andrea; Cheng, Pei; Zhan, Xiaowei; Wu, Jiang; Xie, Zhiyuan; Tu, Wei-Chen; He, Jr-Hau; Fell, Christopher J.; Anderson, Kenrick; Hermenau, Martin; Bartesaghi, Davide; Koster, L. Jan Anton; Machui, Florian; Gonzalez-Valls, Irene; Lira-Cantu, Monica; Khlyabich, Petr P.; Thompson, Barry C.; Gupta, Ritu; Shanmugam, Kiruthika; Kulkarni, G. U.; Galagan, Yulia; Urbina, Antonio; Abad, Jose; Roesch, Roland; Hoppe, Harald; Morvillo, P.; Bobeico, E.; Panaitescu, Eugen; Menon, Latika; Luo, Qun; Wu, Zhenwu; Ma, Changqi; Hambarian, Artak; Melikyan, Varuzhan; Hambsch, M.; Burn, Paul L.; Meredith, Paul; Rath, Thomas; Dunst, Sebastian; Trimmel, Gregor; Bardizza, Giorgio; Muellejans, Harald; Goryachev, A. E.; Misra, Ravi K.; Katz, Eugene A.; Takagi, Katsuhiko; Magaino, Shinichi; Saito, Hidenori; Aoki, Daisuke; Sommeling, Paul M.; Kroon, Jan M.; Vangerven, Tim; Manca, Jean; Kesters, Jurgen; Maes, Wouter; Bobkova, Olga D.; Trukhanov, Vasily A.; Paraschuk, Dmitry Yu.; Castro, Fernando A.; Blakesley, James; Tuladhar, Sachetan M.; Roehr, Jason Alexander; Nelson, Jenny; Xia, Jiangbin; Parlak, Elif Alturk; Tumay, Tulay Ash; Egelhaaf, Hans-Joachim; Tanenbaum, David M.; Ferguson, Gretta Mae; Carpenter, Robert; Chen, Hongzheng; Zimmermann, Birger; Hirsch, Lionel; Wantz, Guillaume; Sun, Ziqi; Singh, Pradeep; Bapat, Chaitnya; Offermans, Ton; Krebs, Frederik C.
1991-02-15An X-ray and neutron diffraction study of cation substituted TlSr2CuO5Kovatcheva, D; Hewat, A W; Rangavittal, N; Manivannan, V; Row, T N Guru; Rao, C N R
1997-01-23X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic Investigations of Cu-Ni, Au-Ag, Ni-Pd, and Cu-Pd Bimetallic ClustersHarikumar, K R; Ghosh, S; Rao, C N R
2010-09-10XPS evidence for molecular charge-transfer doping of grapheneChoudhury, Debraj; Das, Barun; Sarma, D D; Rao, C N R
2000-10-16Y-junction carbon nanotubesSatishkumar, B C; Thomas, PJohn; Govindaraj, A; Rao, C N R
2015Yb7Ni4InGe12: a quaternary compound having mixed valent Yb atoms grown from indium fluxSubbarao, Udumula; Jana, Rajkumar; Chondroudi, Maria; Balasubramanian, Mahalingam; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G.; Peter, Sebastian C.
2016ZCF32, a fungus specific Zn(II)2 Cys6 transcription factor, is a repressor of the biofilm development in the human pathogen Candida albicansKakade, Pallavi; Sadhale, Parag; Sanyal, Kaustuv; Nagaraja, Valakunja
2005-10-10Zeitgebers (time cues) for biological clocksSharma, Vijay Kumar; Chandrashekaran, M K
2009-12-02Zero magnetization in a disordered (La1−x/2Bix/2)(Fe0.5Cr0.5)O3 uncompensated weak ferromagnetVijayanandhini, K; Simon, Ch; Pralong, V; Breard, Y; Caignaert, V; Raveau, B; Mandal, P; Sundaresan, A; Rao, C N R
1996-12-10Zinc Dependent Recognition of a Human CpG Island Sequence by the Mammalian Spermatidal Protein TP2Kundu, Tapas K; Rao, M R S
2001A zinc phosphate oxalate with phosphate layers pillared by the oxalate unitsNeeraj, S; Natarajan, Srinivasan; Rao, C N R
1999-05A Zinc Phosphate Possessing Ladder-like Layers Made Up of Three- and Four-Membered Rings and Infinite Zn-O-Zn ChainsNeeraj, S; Natarajan, Srinivasan; Rao, C N R
1997-08-21Zirconia nanotubesRao, C N R; Satishkumar, B C; Govindaraj, A
2014Zn(II) and Cu(II) complexes of a new thiophenebased salphen-type ligand: solution-processable high-performance field-effect transistor materialsAsatkar, Ashish K.; Senanayak, Satyaprasad P.; Bedi, Anjan; Panda, Snigdha; Narayan, K. S.; Zade, Sanjio S.